International Women’s Day has been gaining global acceptance since its origination in the early 1900’s, when a group of women in the Soviet Bloc nations organized to demand basic human rights. The movement picked up momentum in the 1970’s when the United Nations legitimized the initiative. This year, online forums and virtual gatherings will increase the reach of the participants. The original purpose of the day was to battle social injustice, and to strive for equality and rights for women. In many nations of the world, those are still the main needs. Here in the West, the day has become a time to honor the achievements of women in all levels of culture. This March 8th, we will once again give esteem to the visionaries that paved the way, as well as the women currently taking on these challenges.

Globally there will be panel discussions, career fairs, concerts, galas, and technical symposiums to celebrate the holiday. But if you wish to take part without traveling to one of the 33 U.S. cities hosting events, there are many women in the Wilmington area who are getting involved in making the world better every day. Whether she is a foster mom who makes a difference for children, an advocate taking on injustice, or a mentor in an after-school program, there are incredible ladies all over our area who are making a difference every day – professional or volunteer, school teacher, politician, or social worker, these are the local heroines who have earned respect.
Strong Flowers for Incredible Women: Protea and gladioli flowers represent courage and strength – and they make extraordinary arrangements! Consider embellishing with palm or laurel leaves, which signify success and personal victory.
Pen a personal note to several women in your local community who are working for the betterment of others, and let them know they are doing a great job. (and if you know them personally, you may wish to send flowers!) Volunteer at a local girls club or after-school skills program.Give to a program dedicated to elevating women out of poverty with job training and life skills. There are numerous ways to invest your time, energy and talents in your own area, and celebrate International Women’s Day on a local level. At Julia’s Florist, we create floral designs and arrangements that honor women every day.