#1 Local Wilmington, NC Florist

Castle Hayne

Castle Hayne Same-Day Flower Delivery

Julia's Florist is your local Castle Hayne Florist and offers local and nationwide delivery on our entire selection of floral arrangements, bouquets, gifts, and decorations for all occasions! Whether you're looking to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or simply send flowers just because, Julia's Florist has the right flowers for your special day!



Our Wilmington NC flower shop offers a wide selection of different flowers including roses, daisies, lilies, orchids, and sunflowers! Our designers can create a beautiful floral bouquets to fit your specific style and taste so you can celebrate your holiday or special event with the perfect flowers and decorations!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee


Our Wilmington Location

Address:900 S. Kerr Ave
Wilmington, NC 28403

Phone:(910) 395-1868

ZIP Codes Served

28401, 28402, 28403, 28404, 28405, 28406, 28407, 28408, 28409, 28410, 28411, 28412, 28428, 28429, 28449, 28451, 28457, 28480