#1 Local Wilmington, NC Florist


Mayfaire Same-Day Flower Delivery

Send flowers to Mayfaire, Wilmington, NC with same-day delivery from Julia's Florist. We're proud to offer a large variety of fresh-cut flowers to create the bouquet of your dreams, from classic long stemmed red roses to unique tropical varieties like birds of paradise, exotic orchids, and even trendy succulent plants. We also have a variety of lush green plants and blooming plants perfect for giving on holidays like Mother's Day and Easter, or simply to express your joy for having someone in your life.



Want to express your condolences for the loss of a friend or loved one? Search our funeral and sympathy flowers to find an exquisite arrangement that can be delivered directly to the funeral home or to your loved one's residence at your convenience. Browse our selection of flowers online, or give us a call to discuss your Mayfaire flower delivery or to create a custom order. Our expert flower designers are happy to bring your vision to life! 

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


Our Wilmington Location

Address:900 S. Kerr Ave
Wilmington, NC 28403

Phone:(910) 395-1868

ZIP Codes Served

28401, 28402, 28403, 28404, 28405, 28406, 28407, 28408, 28409, 28410, 28411, 28412, 28428, 28429, 28449, 28451, 28457, 28480