Sympathy bouquet of pink, lavender, yellow, and purple flowers with greenery.

Glorious Grace Bouquet

Glorious Grace Bouquet

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The magnificent bouquet includes pink hydrangea, lavender roses, pink oriental lilies, yellow gerberas, yellow alstroemeria, yellow snapdragons, purple larkspur, and peach stock, accented with assorted greenery.

The "Glorious Grace Bouquet" from Julia's Florist in Wilmington, NC, is a vivid and lush celebration of life's most colorful moments. This magnificent arrangement bursts with an array of brightly colored flowers, each chosen for its beauty and significance. It makes a perfect gift for many occasions or a stunning centerpiece for your own space.

This bouquet features soft, full blooms of pink hydrangea, symbolizing heartfelt emotions and gratitude. Lavender roses add a touch of enchantment, their gentle hue evoking grace and elegance. Pink oriental lilies bring a sense of luxury and a robust and beautiful fragrance that enhances the bouquet's sensory appeal. Bright yellow gerberas offer cheerful vibrancy, complemented by yellow alstroemeria, which adds depth with its intricate patterns and textures.  Yellow snapdragons introduce vertical drama and a touch of whimsy to the arrangement, while purple larkspur contributes an air of majesty and depth. Peach stock rounds out the bouquet with its lovely color and delicate fragrance, enriching the overall diversity of the arrangement.

Accented with an assortment of lush greenery, the "Glorious Grace Bouquet" is presented in a simple yet elegant container that does not detract from the beauty of the blooms. This bouquet from Julia's Florist is a truly glorious way to convey your thoughts of love, sympathy, or congratulations, embodying a graceful elegance that complements any setting.

DELIVERY: You deserve the best. Due to the unique nature of flowers, flowers may need to vary. If an item is unavailable, we will substitute product of equal or greater value. Every order is hand-delivered direct to the recipient. These items will be delivered by us locally, or a qualified retail local florist.

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