April is officially set aside as Lawn & Garden month, recognizing the seasonal beginning to spring planting, lawn recovery and maintenance and new floral designs! As the temperatures rise and nature senses that it is safe to emerge, many homeowners begin to strategize as to cultivating the neighborhood’s greenest lawn; as well as deciding which spring flowers will best show off their personal gardens and flower beds.
However, even if you do not have a lawn – either as a condo or apartment dweller – spring fever does not discriminate! Chances are that you too are looking for ways to freshen up your space and add the season’s colors and vibrance to your home. So whether April is used for planting a few small flowers at your front door, creating a lush patio space, or even just bringing the beauty of a Wilmington spring garden inoors, Julia’s Florist has everything you will need.

Let’s start with some tips regarding the plants you already own. You’ll want to assess the winter growth of your potted plants – they may be outgrowing their current containers, and so to encourage further growth, you may need to get larger pots. Make sure to clean off all leaves and place in open windows, to help them breathe fresh air, and also get some quality plant food and give them a good dose.

Traditionally planted outdoors, azaleas and mums can be arranged with daisies, orchids and vivid greens, resulting in organic mini-gardens perfect for any indoor space. Our creative florists have designed a selection of fresh-picked garden baskets; these displays will cheer up any home, and make your guests think the blooms came from your own garden.
Whether hanging ivy on your front porch trellis, or arranging colorful kalanchoe on your back patio – April’s lawn & garden month is the perfect time to refresh your entire home with spring plants and flowers. Stop by Julia’s Florist for spring inspiration and seasonal recommendations. Welcome spring!